Smoke Alarms Shop Terms & Conditions


All orders are accepted subject to our standard conditions of sale as herein printed. Unless expressly accepted in writing any qualifications of these conditions in a customers form must be deemed to be and will be treated as inapplicable. 



All orders received by the company will be executed subject to prices ruling at date of dispatch, and any price list published or not shall not affect the right of the company to charge for goods in accordance with this clause. Verbal qualifications shall be affected by these conditions whilst written quotations, unless specifically stating a period of validity, shall in effect be withdrawn. 



Quotations are open for acceptance within 30 days (unless advised separately) from the date of quotation and unless accepted within that period will be deemed to have been withdrawn. 



The delivery period quoted is an estimate only and will commence from acknowledgement by the company of a written order accompanied by sufficient information to enable the company to proceed with the order. Provided that the company takes all reasonable steps to deliver the goods at the time stated the company shall be under no liability for failure to do so. Unless otherwise stated carriage and packing are charged extra and the company reserves the right to deliver in more than one consignment. Where the purchaser fails to accept delivery of the goods they will be stored at the purchasers risk and expense. Default by the purchaser for more than one month entitles the company to suspend or terminate the contract so far as it remains unperformed and to recover damages for breach. 


Delivery of Web Orders 

Delivery of Web Orders will be made using a service provider of our choice, using the service level selected and indicated during the purchasing process and charged at the rate indicated at final checkout. In the event of an order being cancelled only the basic rate of carriage will be refunded. 


Terms of Payment 

Payment is due 30 days from the end of the month following the month of invoice unless otherwise confirmed in writing. An interest charge of 2% above the Bank of England base rate may be charged on invoices which are overdue for payment. We also reserve the right to charge any administration and or legal fees incurred during the process of collecting overdue monies. 

Web orders must be paid for at checkout using one of the options offered. 


Guarantee & Faulty Goods 

If you have faulty items please contact us in the first instance by email – or by phone on 01626 818311 

The company with all its discretion will, refund the price of goods, or repair or replace free of charge any of the goods found to its satisfaction to be defective within a period of 12 months (or longer if extended warranty applies) of the date of delivery owing to fault design, materials or workmanship provided that the goods have not been modified other than by the company, and have been installed, operated, repaired and maintained with the company’s and its supplier’s and the manufacturers recommendations for use (if any), and provided that the company’s liability under this condition shall in no circumstances extend beyond the corresponding liability owed by the supplier or manufacturer to the company. 

The goods will be supplied to the manufacturers current standard specification and finish. 

The company makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of images, technical data and literature relating to the goods, but as this will normally be generated by the manufacturers the company does not warrant the accuracy thereof. 

Unless otherwise agreed in writing the purchaser shall satisfy himself as to the suitability for the application intended by the purchaser of any lighting design or other design work carried out by the company. Where, however, services provided by the company fail to achieve the objective specifications accepted by the company as part of the order or contract, the company shall take such steps as shall be reasonable to achieve such specification. 

Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by the company’s negligence, the company shall not be liable to the purchaser by reason of representation, or any implied warranty, condition or other item, or any duty at common law or under express terms of the contract with the purchaser, for any consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit or otherwise) costs, expenses or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (and whether caused by the negligence of the company, its employees or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the supply of the goods or their use or resale by the purchaser except as expressly provided in these conditions. 

Where the goods are sold under a consumer transaction (as defined by the consumer transactions (Restriction on Statements) order 1976) the statutory rights of the purchaser are not affected by these conditions. 


Ownership of Goods 

Title of the goods supplied shall not pass to the customer until payment has been made in full. 

The company reserves the right to recover any goods relating to invoices which are overdue for payment and for which payment has not been made. 



The company will not be held responsible for any costs incurred under liability clauses by installers of the company’s products in the event of an appointed purchaser failing to comply with the company’s terms of payment resulting in the suspension of deliveries until such default is made good. 



SHORTAGES and DAMAGE in transit must be notified to us within 24hrs of delivery. 


Returns & Cancellations (Goods not required) 

Goods will not be accepted by return for credit unless previously agreed and may be liable to a handling charge. 

Orders placed through our Web Site may be cancelled and returned for credit within fourteen days from the date you receive your goods. If you order consists of multiple goods, the fourteen day period runs from when the last item is received. Please contact us by email – or by phone on 01626 818311 within the fourteen-day period to make arrangements. You will then have fourteen days to return the goods to us. Please note you are responsible for the cost to return the goods and it is your responsibility to ensure that that the goods are adequately packaged. On receipt and inspection of the goods we will credit the cost of the item(s) and the carriage cost at our basic rate within fourteen days. 

Returns Address – 

Thomas Electrical Distributors Ltd 
1 Brunel Road 
Newton Abbot 
TQ12 4PB 

For faulty items please see “Guarantee & Faulty Goods” Section 


Force Majeure 

The company shall not be under any liability whatsoever in respect of and delay or failure to deliver any of the goods due directly or indirectly to any cause of whatsoever nature, or howsoever arising, not within the reasonable control of the company, including but not limited to act of god, war, invasion, rebellion, riot, commotion, disorder, malicious damage, fire, flood, tempest, epidemic, quarantine restriction, strikes or other industrial disputes, lockouts, freight embargoes, unusually severe weather, shortage of raw materials or energy supplies, transportation delays and failure to sub-contractors or suppliers to perform and the delivery date shall be extended by a period equal to the duration of such delay. In the event of such extension of the delivery date exceeding the period of 6 months, the contract shall unless otherwise agreed in writing by the company and purchaser so far as it remains unperformed be deemed to be terminated but without prejudice to the rights of either party arising before the date of termination. 


Value Added Tax 

Value Added Tax will be charged at the appropriate rate and will be shown on the invoice. 


Health & Safety 

All goods supplied by the company should be installed, used, cleaned, maintained or alike in accordance with the relevant information or advice relating to such matters made available by the manufacturer, designer, importer, supplier or the company. 


Web Privacy 

We take the privacy of the users of our Website seriously. We are keen to obtain, retain and process information (including your personal and sensitive data) in accordance with the applicable legislation, including the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003. We respect your right to privacy and we understand that, as a visitor to this Website you may prefer to control your own personal information and preferences. For this reason, we may ask you to register or to provide personal information and preferences when you visit certain areas of the Website or request information. 

By using the Website and the services on the Website, you consent to the collection and use of your personal data by us for the purposes authorised below and for any other purpose which is reasonably necessary for the provision of and the proper administration of our relationship with you and the Website. 

We collect the information provided by you when you use this Website and other of the services on the Website and on registration. 

We may collect additional information in connection with your participation in any promotions or competitions offered by us and information you provide when giving us feedback or completing profile forms and questionnaires or in ordering goods from us. We also monitor customer traffic patterns and the use of the Website which enables us to improve the service we provide. 

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Statement without prior notice. We will only use information in accordance with the Privacy Statement under which the information was collected. If you regularly use the Website you should continue to check this Privacy Statement for updates and amendments, as you will be deemed to have accepted the changes if you continue to use the Website after any changes have been posted. 

All of our employees are subject to obligations of confidentiality regarding information which they have access to in the course of their employment including the personal information of customers. All personal information is held in secure computer storage facilities and paper–based files. We take steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. 

It may be necessary for us to maintain our records for a number of years. However, if your information is no longer required, we will destroy records containing personal information securely. 


Use of information 

We use personal information collected from you for the following purposes: 

  • to provide a more personalised service; 
  • to deliver our products and services; 
  • to contact you regarding the products or services that you have requested; 
  • to carry out auditing, research and analysis in order to maintain, protect and enhance the services we provide; 
  • to transfer your details (including account details) to relevant third parties, public bodies, industry organisations and regulators as reasonably required for the operation of our business; and 
  • to disclose your details to government and associated organisations as required by law. 

From time to time we might also use your information to let you know about other products and services which we offer which may be of interest to you. At the time of collection of your information we give you the option not to receive such marketing information. If you do not object initially, but you change your mind later, please email us at Please ensure you include the words ‘Unsubscribe’ in the subject header of your email and notify us of the communications from which you wish to opt out. 


Information disclosure 

We will not share your details with any other third parties. 

As we develop our business we might buy or sell branches, businesses or subsidiaries. Where such a transaction occurs, or in the event that we are or substantially all of our assets are acquired, the transferred assets will generally include customer information but any such transfer shall be conditional on this information remaining subject to the restrictions on its use as set out in the Privacy 


Statement notice pre–existing the transfer. 

We employ other companies and individuals to carry out functions on our behalf including delivering packages, sending mail, providing marketing assistance, analysing data and providing customer service. In order to carry out their functions these companies and individuals may require access to your personal data but we shall only disclose to them such relevant personal information as is needed by them to perform their functions. Except as required by law your personal information will not be disclosed to third parties for those third parties’ own purpose or use. 

Where requested to do so, we may co–operate with any court, tribunal, regulatory body, police authority or other similar authority in any investigations or proceedings concerning you or your use of the Website. This may include disclosing information about communications transmitted via the Website to such authorities where required. 

We may also use and share information relating to groups of customers, without identifying individuals, to learn more about customer behaviour and to find ways of enhancing our service. 
Where any of your personal information is transferred by us outside of the European Economic Area (the “EEA”) in the course of processing or sharing information as set out above, we will ensure that the information is transferred in accordance with this Privacy Statement and as permitted by the applicable data protection legislation. By submitting your personal data, you agree to the transfer, storing and processing of your data outside the EEA. 

We regard our databases of information (which may include your personal information) as an important part of our business and we will not give or sell this information to any outside organisation for use in its marketing or solicitation without your consent. 


Cookies – What are they and how do we use them? 

To ensure compliance with the data protection laws on storing information on a user’s equipment such as computer or mobile device, by using cookies or similar means, we need to obtain our users’ consent to collect and store their personal information. 

“Cookies” are small bits of electronic information that a website can transfer to your hard drive to help tailor and keep records of your visit to that website. Please note that cookies do not harm your computer. If you visit the Website, cookies are used to allow us to better customise your visit to your individual preferences, helping us provide you with the best possible service on the Website. Most major websites use cookies and their use is standard on the Internet. 

We do use encrypted information gathered from cookies to improve your experience of the site such as identification and resolution of errors, or to determine relevant related products to show you when you’re browsing. However, we do not store personally identifiable information (e.g credit card details). 

The only situation when we may not require your consent in gathering your personal information is where the technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the purpose of enabling the use of the service explicitly requested by the user (e.g. to keep your basket updated when shopping online). 



Any question relating to any quotation or any order or contract shall be determined in accordance with English Law. 


Company Information 

Trading Name – Thomas Electrical Distributors Limited 
Registration Number – 10726767 
Registered Address (Note this is not a trading location) – Sigma House, Oak View Close, Edginswell Lane, Torquay, TQ2 7FF 
For Trading Address’ & Contact Information see Contact Us Page